My "Open Letter" - at least the start
Growing Awareness, from a Cult of One to a Family Cult to a "Church" Cult
Such a Refreshing, Necessary, Healthy Word
"The Lord's Recovery" and Sociopathy
"If criminals go unpunished for crimes, they will keep repeating them again and again. It's as simple as that."
The BIBLE is being disobeyed in "The Lord's Recovery"
"The Lord's Recovery" Forcing Out John Ingalls
Coercive Control IS Punishable Domestic Violence
Collective Trauma
We Cover Each Other, Knowing the Real Condition...
Applying my "Verse of the Day"
"...elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone..." I Tim. 5:20
“Peace if possible, truth at all costs.” – Martin Luther
The Practice of "Quarantining" in "The Church"
Response to "Shepherding Words: Encountering Opposers"
Responses to "Shepherding Words"
Shunning and other culty practices
Coercive Control
Two Severe Forms of Abuse: Silence & Blame-Shifting
"We're Only as Sick as our Secrets"