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Ruth Wise
Dec 10, 20249 min read
Growing Awareness, from a Cult of One to a Family Cult to a "Church" Cult
Cult of One (Relationship characterized by narcissistic traits): I won't go into all the details as to how I began to recognize that I...
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Ruth Wise
Dec 5, 20242 min read
Such a Refreshing, Necessary, Healthy Word
I want to write much more, but due to exhaustion, I'll just recommend this youtube video: "The Heretical Submission Doctrine of Jimmy...
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Ruth Wise
Oct 22, 20247 min read
"The Lord's Recovery" and Sociopathy
I looked up "sociopathological group dynamics" after listening this evening to Les Carter's podcast, "How Sociopaths Take Narcissism into...
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Ruth Wise
Oct 20, 20248 min read
The BIBLE is being disobeyed in "The Lord's Recovery"
Dear fellow believers, I again am appealing to your conscience. ...if you are quiet when you ought to speak, you have sinned. “If a...
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Ruth Wise
Oct 18, 20244 min read
Coercive Control IS Punishable Domestic Violence
Although I cannot speak completely openly about my marital situation, until a legal separation is finalized, I have learned the hard way...
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Ruth Wise
Sep 27, 20244 min read
"...elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone..." I Tim. 5:20
[Please note: I removed the video to which I refer in this blog, based on a request from my dear friend, a daughter of the brother of...
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